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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool llvm-dis. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


LLVM-dis is a command-line tool that is a part of the LLVM compiler infrastructure. The main purpose of llvm-dis is to disassemble LLVM bitcode files, which are intermediate representations used by LLVM compilers. It takes LLVM bitcode files as input and outputs human-readable LLVM assembly code. The LLVM assembly code is a textual representation of the LLVM intermediate representation, which is closer to the original source code than the bitcode. This tool allows developers to examine and understand the intermediate steps of the LLVM compilation process. By using llvm-dis, developers can view and analyze how their source code is translated into LLVM's intermediate representation. It provides a useful tool for debugging and understanding how optimizations and transformations are being applied to the code. llvm-dis has a wide range of options that allow customization of the disassembly process, such as controlling the level of detail in the output and selecting specific functions or modules for disassembly. The llvm-dis tool is written in C++ and is designed to be cross-platform, supporting various operating systems like Linux, macOS, and Windows. Overall, llvm-dis is a valuable tool for developers working with LLVM, allowing them to inspect and analyze the intermediate representation of their code efficiently.

List of commands for llvm-dis:

  • llvm-dis:tldr:54039 llvm-dis: Convert a bitcode file to an LLVM IR file with the same filename.
    $ llvm-dis ${filename-bc}
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  • llvm-dis:tldr:8bdfd llvm-dis: Convert a bitcode file to LLVM IR, writing the result to the specified file.
    $ llvm-dis ${path-to-input-bc} -o ${path-to-output-ll}
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  • llvm-dis:tldr:99527 llvm-dis: Convert a bitcode file as LLVM IR and write the result to `stdout`.
    $ llvm-dis ${path-to-input-bc} -o -
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