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loc: Print lines of code in the current directory.
$ loc
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The command "loc" is short for "lines of code." It is commonly used in programming and software development to measure the size and complexity of a codebase. This command typically calculates the number of lines of source code in a given file or project.

The main purpose of using the "loc" command is to assess the scale and estimate the effort required for software development or maintenance tasks. It provides a quantitative measure of codebase size, which can be helpful in various scenarios such as project planning, estimating costs, evaluating developer productivity, or assessing code quality.

Different implementations of the "loc" command may have additional functionalities, such as counting lines of specific programming languages, excluding comments or blank lines, or providing statistics about the distribution of code across different files or modules.

In summary, the "loc" command helps quantify the size and complexity of a codebase by counting the lines of code, aiding in various aspects of software development and maintenance.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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