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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool loc. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


LOC (Lines of Code) is a command line tool used to count the lines of code in a software project. It is designed to help developers measure the size and complexity of their codebase.

LOC supports various programming languages including C, C++, Java, Python, JavaScript, Ruby, and many others. It accurately counts lines of code, as well as comments, blank lines, and lines with only braces or semicolons.

The tool provides several different output formats such as plain text, CSV, JSON, and XML, allowing developers to easily integrate the results into their build processes or analysis tools. It can generate detailed reports with the breakdown of lines of code by file, language, and category.

LOC allows developers to exclude certain files or directories from the analysis, making it customizable and flexible. It can handle large codebases with thousands of files and analyze them efficiently.

With LOC, developers can gain insights into their codebase's size and understand the impact of changes over time. It helps in measuring code quality and identifying areas for improvement. By analyzing code metrics, developers can make informed decisions about refactoring, optimizing, or restructuring their code.

LOC is a lightweight and open-source tool, making it accessible to developers across different platforms and environments. It is actively maintained and has a vibrant community of contributors. Developers can easily install it on their system using package managers like Homebrew or by downloading the binary directly from the official GitHub repository.

Being a command line tool, LOC can be easily integrated into shell scripts or automated workflows, allowing for seamless integration with existing development processes. Overall, LOC is a valuable tool for developers to evaluate the size and complexity of their codebase, enabling them to make data-driven decisions and improve code quality.

List of commands for loc:

  • loc:tldr:2ef1f loc: Print lines of code with stats for individual files.
    $ loc --files
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • loc:tldr:70a27 loc: Print lines of code in the target directory.
    $ loc ${path-to-directory}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • loc:tldr:ce04b loc: Print lines of code in the current directory.
    $ loc
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview