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local: Declare an array variable with the specified value.
$ local ${variable}=(${item_a item_b item_c})
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This command is creating an array called variable and assigning it the values item_a, item_b, and item_c. The array is created using the local keyword which is commonly used in scripting languages to declare a variable with a local scope, meaning it only exists within the current block or function.

The syntax used to create the array is (${item_a item_b item_c}). The values in the parentheses are separated by spaces and each value is considered an element of the array. So, the resulting variable array will contain three elements: item_a, item_b, and item_c.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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