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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool local. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The command line tool "local" is a utility that is used to manage and interact with the local Git repositories on your computer.

  1. It is primarily used to create new Git repositories in the current working directory.
  2. By default, running "local init" creates a new Git repository in the current directory.
  3. This tool helps initialize the necessary files and internal folders for Git version control.
  4. It also provides options to specify a different directory for creating the repository.
  5. "local" can be used to clone existing Git repositories from remote sources like GitHub or Bitbucket.
  6. The command "local clone " will clone the specified repository onto your local machine.
  7. It sets up the necessary remote tracking branches and local branches to start working with the repository.
  8. "local" provides options to pull remote changes into the local repository ("local pull") and push local changes to the remote repository ("local push").
  9. It allows you to branch and switch between branches using commands like "local branch" and "local checkout".
  10. Additionally, the tool provides various other features including gitignore file management and displaying the Git history with "local log".

List of commands for local:

  • local:tldr:381e7 local: Declare an array variable with the specified value.
    $ local ${variable}=(${item_a item_b item_c})
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  • local:tldr:3d374 local: Declare a readonly variable with the specified value.
    $ local -r ${variable}="${value}"
    try on your machine
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  • local:tldr:41fc8 local: Declare an associative array variable with the specified value.
    $ local -A ${variable}=(${[key_a]=item_a [key_b]=item_b [key_c]=item_c})
    try on your machine
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  • local:tldr:67d62 local: Declare an integer variable with the specified value.
    $ local -i ${variable}="${value}"
    try on your machine
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  • local:tldr:7cde9 local: Declare a string variable with the specified value.
    $ local ${variable}="${value}"
    try on your machine
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tool overview