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logger: Use a specific tag for every line logged. Default is the name of logged in user.
$ echo ${log_entry} | logger --tag ${tag}
try on your machine

This command is a bash command that involves two commands piped together.

  1. echo ${log_entry}: This part echoes (prints) the value of the ${log_entry} variable. The ${log_entry} is a variable placeholder that should be substituted with an actual value. It could be a string or any other data type.

  2. |: This is a pipe operator in bash that redirects the output of the preceding command to the input of the following command.

  3. logger --tag ${tag}: This part uses the logger command to send logs to the system log. The --tag flag specifies a tag that identifies the log entry. The ${tag} is a variable placeholder that should be replaced with an actual value.

In summary, the command takes the value stored in the ${log_entry} variable and passes it as input to the logger command. The log entry is then logged with the specified tag ${tag}.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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