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logger: Send the output to a remote syslog server running at a given port. Default port is 514.
$ echo ${log_entry} | logger --server ${hostname} --port ${port}
try on your machine

This command is used to send a log entry to a remote logging server using the logger utility.

  • ${log_entry} is a variable that represents the log entry to be sent. It is enclosed within ${} to indicate that it is a variable.
  • echo ${log_entry} is a command that prints the value of ${log_entry} to the standard output.
  • The | (pipe) symbol is used to redirect the standard output of the preceding command to the standard input of the following command.
  • logger is a command-line utility in Unix-like operating systems that sends messages to the system log or a remote logging server.
  • --server ${hostname} is an option for the logger utility that specifies the hostname or IP address of the logging server. The value of ${hostname} is the variable representing the hostname or IP address of the server where the log entry will be sent.
  • --port ${port} is an option for the logger utility that specifies the port number of the logging server. The value of ${port} is the variable representing the port number where the log entry will be sent.

Therefore, when this command is executed, it prints ${log_entry} to the standard output and then pipes it to the logger command. The logger command sends the log entry to the specified logging server (${hostname}:${port}).

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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