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logsave: Append the output to a log file, instead of replacing its current contents.
$ logsave -a ${logfile} ${command}
try on your machine

The command "logsave -a ${logfile} ${command}" is used to save the output of a command execution to a log file while also displaying the output on the console.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • "logsave": This is the command that saves the output. It is typically used to capture the standard output and error streams of a command or script.
  • "-a": This option specifies that the output should be appended to the log file instead of overwriting it each time the command is executed. It ensures that all outputs are retained in the log file.
  • "${logfile}": This variable represents the name or path of the log file where the output will be saved. You need to replace "${logfile}" with the actual name or path of the log file you want to use.
  • "${command}": This variable represents the command or script whose output you want to save. You need to replace "${command}" with the actual command you want to execute.

In summary, this command will run the specified command and save its output to a log file, specified by the "${logfile}" variable. The "-a" option ensures that the output is appended to the log file instead of overwriting it. The output will also be displayed on the console.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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