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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool logsave. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Logsave is a command line tool that saves the output of a command to a specified log file. It is primarily used in Unix-like operating systems such as Linux.

When executing a command, logsave captures all the standard output (stdout), standard error (stderr), or both streams and writes them to a file. This is useful when you want to save the output of a command for later analysis or troubleshooting.

To use logsave, you provide the name of the log file as an argument followed by the command to be executed. The tool will create the log file if it doesn't exist, and append the command output to it.

By default, logsave does not display any output while saving to the log file. However, you can use the "verbose" option to view the output in the terminal as well. Additionally, logsave supports timestamping the log entries, making it easier to track events.

This tool is beneficial in various scenarios, such as logging the output of long-running processes, capturing error messages during system maintenance, or keeping a record of command execution for auditing purposes.

List of commands for logsave:

  • logsave:tldr:13c8e logsave: Show verbose output.
    $ logsave -v ${logfile} ${command}
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  • logsave:tldr:3b3cb logsave: Take input from standard input and save it in a log file.
    $ logsave ${logfile} -
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  • logsave:tldr:76da3 logsave: Execute command with specified argument(s) and save its output to log file.
    $ logsave ${path-to-logfile} ${command}
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  • logsave:tldr:e8774 logsave: Append the output to a log file, instead of replacing its current contents.
    $ logsave -a ${logfile} ${command}
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