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lpstat: List printers present on the machine and whether they are enabled for printing.
$ lpstat -p
try on your machine

The command "lpstat -p" is used to display the status of printers that are configured in the operating system.

Here is how the command works:

  1. "lpstat" is the command that is used to obtain information about the printer status. It stands for "line printer statistics". This command is commonly available in Unix-like operating systems such as Linux.

  2. The "-p" option is used to specify that we want to display the status of printers. It tells the lpstat command to only show printer-specific information.

When you execute the command "lpstat -p" in the terminal, it will list the available printers on the system along with their current status. The output may include information like printer names, whether they are idle or printing, the job ID of the currently active print job, and any error messages associated with the printer.

The lpstat command is frequently used for checking the status of printers and diagnosing printing issues in Unix-like systems.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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