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lshw: List all hardware in tabular format.
$ sudo lshw -short
try on your machine

The command "sudo lshw -short" is used in a Linux or Unix-based operating system with the intention to display concise, abbreviated hardware information. Here is a breakdown of what each component of the command does:

  • "sudo": It is an abbreviation for "superuser do" and allows the user to run the subsequent command with administrative privileges. It is often used when root permissions are required to execute a command.

  • "lshw": It is short for "list hardware" and refers to a command-line tool that lists detailed information about the hardware components of a computer. It is available in most Linux distributions.

  • "-short": It is an option or parameter that is passed to the "lshw" command. In this case, it instructs "lshw" to display a truncated or abbreviated version of the hardware information, providing a shorter output with less detailed information compared to the default output.

By running "sudo lshw -short" in the terminal, you will see a summary of the system's hardware components, typically including details such as the motherboard, processor, memory, storage devices, network interfaces, and other attached peripherals, all presented in a concise format.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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