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lslogins: Display supplementary groups.
$ lslogins --supp-groups
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The "lslogins" command is used to list login-related information for users on a system. The "--supp-groups" option is used in conjunction with the lslogins command to display supplementary groups associated with each user.

When you run the "lslogins --supp-groups" command, it will provide a list of users on the system along with additional information such as the UID (user identifier), GID (group identifier), the primary group, login class, GECOS field (user information), and supplementary groups.

Supplementary groups are additional groups that a user may be a member of, apart from their primary group. These supplementary groups can grant the user certain access rights or permissions to specific resources.

By using the "--supp-groups" option, you can get a comprehensive view of the groups each user is associated with, helping you to understand their access levels and permissions on the system.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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