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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool lslogins. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The command line tool, lslogins, is used in Unix-based systems to list login-related information about users. It provides a comprehensive overview of user accounts and their properties.

  1. With lslogins, you can view a wide range of data about users, including their username, user ID (UID), group ID (GID), home directory, and shell environment.
  2. The tool displays additional information such as the last time a user logged in, the number of days since their last login, and the number of days since their password was changed.
  3. lslogins also provides information about the user's account status, whether it is locked, expired, or has a disabled or inactive password.
  4. The tool supports various display formats, allowing you to customize the output based on your preferences.
  5. It offers an easy way to filter the list of users based on specific criteria, such as their login name or UID.
  6. lslogins can help system administrators manage and monitor user accounts, identify inactive or expired accounts, and enforce security policies.
  7. By providing a concise summary of user account details, lslogins proves to be a handy tool for system administrators and users who need to quickly access user-related information in a command line interface.

List of commands for lslogins:

tool overview