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lzip: Archive a file, keeping the input file.
$ lzip -k ${filename}
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The command you provided, "lzip -k ${filename}" is used to compress a file using the lzip compression utility while keeping the original file intact. Here's an explanation of each part of the command:

  1. "lzip": lzip is a command-line utility used for creating and decompressing files in the lzip format. It provides lossless data compression and typically achieves better compression ratios compared to other compression methods.

  2. "-k": The "-k" option in lzip command stands for "keep". It ensures that the original file is kept intact and not removed after compression. If this option is not specified, the original file would be replaced with the compressed version.

  3. "${filename}": The "${filename}" is a placeholder that should be substituted with the actual name of the file you want to compress. Ensure you replace it with the full path (if necessary) and the file's name, including its extension.

Combining all of these parts, the command compresses a file specified by "${filename}" using lzip utility, and it retains the original file while creating a compressed version.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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