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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool lzip. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Lzip is a command line tool that is used for compression and decompression of files in Unix-like operating systems. It is designed as an alternative to traditional compression tools like gzip and bzip2, offering better compression ratios. Lzip is based on the LZMA algorithm, which is known for its high compression ratios and slow decompression speed. It provides a higher compression ratio compared to other tools, making it useful for creating smaller archives. The tool uses a container format that allows multiple files and directories to be compressed into a single archive. It also integrates integrity checking using CRC32 checksums to ensure the data integrity of the compressed files. Lzip is open source and free to use, distributed under the GNU General Public License. It supports various command line options for customizing compression levels, archive names, and integrity checks. Due to its LZMA-based compression, lzip may require more memory and CPU resources for compression and decompression. However, it can offer significant space savings for certain types of data. Lzip files have the ".lz" extension and can be decompressed using the "lzip -d" command, while compression can be done using "lzip" followed by the file or directory name. The tool is moderately popular among Linux users and is often used for archiving and compressing large files or data sets, where space saving is a priority. Lzip can also be integrated with other tools like tar to create compressed tarballs. Lzip is not as widely supported as gzip or bzip2, but it can be found in the repositories of most major Linux distributions. Additionally, several graphical user interfaces are available for lzip to provide a more user-friendly experience.

List of commands for lzip:

  • lzip:tldr:1b95b lzip: Archive a file at the fastest speed (level=0).
    $ lzip -k ${filename} --fast
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  • lzip:tldr:2671a lzip: Decompress a file, replacing it with the original uncompressed version.
    $ lzip -d ${path-to-archive-lz}
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  • lzip:tldr:34595 lzip: Archive a file, keeping the input file.
    $ lzip -k ${filename}
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  • lzip:tldr:3983c lzip: Archive a file, replacing it with with a compressed version.
    $ lzip ${filename}
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  • lzip:tldr:8554a lzip: Archive a file with the best compression (level=9).
    $ lzip -k ${filename} --best
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  • lzip:tldr:ac595 lzip: Decompress a file, keeping the archive.
    $ lzip -d -k ${path-to-archive-lz}
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  • lzip:tldr:b4b3f lzip: List files which are in an archive and show compression stats.
    $ lzip --list ${path-to-archive-lz}
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  • lzip:tldr:c1551 lzip: Test the integrity of compressed file.
    $ lzip --test ${path-to-archive-lz}
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