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mail: Send an email that contains file content.
$ mail --subject="${$HOSTNAME filename-txt}" ${to_user@example-com} < ${filenamename-txt}
try on your machine

The provided command is used to send an email using the mail command in a Unix/Linux shell.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

mail: Specifies the mail command to send an email.

--subject="${$HOSTNAME filename-txt}": The --subject flag is used to set the subject of the email. In this case, the subject is set to the concatenation of the value of the $HOSTNAME environment variable (which represents the name of the current host or machine) and the string "filename-txt".

${to_user@example-com}: This part represents the recipient email address. It should be replaced with the actual email address where you want to send the email.

< ${filenamename-txt}: < is the input redirection operator, and ${filenamename-txt} represents the filename of the text file you want to include as the body of the email. The contents of this file will be passed as the input to the mail command, which will use them in the body of the email message.

In summary, this command sends an email with a specific subject and includes the content of a text file as the body of the email. The recipient's email address should be provided, and the file to be included as the body should also be specified.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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