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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool mail. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The command line tool "mail" is a utility that allows users to send and receive emails from the command line interface. It is commonly available on Unix-like operating systems. Users can compose emails, specify recipients, subject, and content using the command line options. The "mail" command supports functionality such as attaching files, setting priorities, and carbon copying recipients. Emails can be sent to both external email addresses and local users on the same system. Incoming emails are stored in the user's mailbox, usually located in the /var/mail directory. Users can use the "mail" command to read, reply to, and delete messages stored in their mailbox. The tool provides a straightforward and efficient way for automated scripts and programs to send email notifications and updates. The "mail" command can be used with other command line tools like "grep" and "awk" to filter and manipulate email content. It is important to configure the appropriate mail server settings and authentication credentials for successful email sending and receiving.

List of commands for mail:

  • mail:tldr:15381 mail: Send a typed email message. The command-line below continues after pressing Enter key. Input CC email-id (optional) press Enter key. Input message text (can be multiline). Press Ctrl-D key to complete the message text.
    $ mail --subject="${subject line}" ${to_user@example-com}
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  • mail:tldr:73ee2 mail: Send an email that contains file content.
    $ mail --subject="${$HOSTNAME filename-txt}" ${to_user@example-com} < ${filenamename-txt}
    try on your machine
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tool overview