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List of commands for makepkg:

  • makepkg:tldr:16c4f makepkg: Make a package, install its dependencies then install it to the system.
    $ makepkg --syncdeps --install
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  • makepkg:tldr:60bb0 makepkg: Generate and save the source information into `.SRCINFO`.
    $ makepkg --printsrcinfo > .SRCINFO
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  • makepkg:tldr:7a823 makepkg: Make a package, but skip checking the source's hashes.
    $ makepkg --skipchecksums
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  • makepkg:tldr:9e9ee makepkg: Make a package and install its dependencies.
    $ makepkg --syncdeps
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  • makepkg:tldr:ae599 makepkg: Verify the hashes of the sources.
    $ makepkg --verifysource
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  • makepkg:tldr:b5814 makepkg: Make a package.
    $ makepkg
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  • makepkg:tldr:f9acc makepkg: Clean up work directories after a successful build.
    $ makepkg --clean
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