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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool makepkg. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


makepkg is a command-line tool used in Linux systems, particularly in package management systems like Arch Linux. The tool facilitates the creation of installation packages, making it easier to distribute software. By running makepkg, users can automatically compile software from source code and generate a package file in a specific format, such as .pkg.tar.xz. This simplifies the process of installing software by using package managers like pacman.

Makepkg works by utilizing a build script called PKGBUILD, which contains instructions for compiling and packaging the software. The script specifies dependencies, build options, and installation directories. When makepkg is executed, it reads the PKGBUILD file and follows the instructions to create the package file.

Makepkg provides various customization options, allowing users to define the package name, version, and other metadata. It also supports signing the package using GnuPG for added security. Additionally, makepkg can automatically retrieve source code archives from designated URLs, making it more convenient for the user.

Overall, makepkg is a powerful tool that automates the process of compiling software from source code and packaging it into a format suitable for distribution through package managers in Linux systems.

List of commands for makepkg:

  • makepkg:tldr:16c4f makepkg: Make a package, install its dependencies then install it to the system.
    $ makepkg --syncdeps --install
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  • makepkg:tldr:60bb0 makepkg: Generate and save the source information into `.SRCINFO`.
    $ makepkg --printsrcinfo > .SRCINFO
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  • makepkg:tldr:7a823 makepkg: Make a package, but skip checking the source's hashes.
    $ makepkg --skipchecksums
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  • makepkg:tldr:9e9ee makepkg: Make a package and install its dependencies.
    $ makepkg --syncdeps
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  • makepkg:tldr:ae599 makepkg: Verify the hashes of the sources.
    $ makepkg --verifysource
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  • makepkg:tldr:b5814 makepkg: Make a package.
    $ makepkg
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  • makepkg:tldr:f9acc makepkg: Clean up work directories after a successful build.
    $ makepkg --clean
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