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masscan: Scan the Internet for port 443.
$ masscan ${0-0-0-0-0} --ports ${443} --rate ${10000000}
try on your machine

The given command is using the "masscan" tool to perform a network port scan.

Here is the breakdown of each component in the command:

  1. "masscan": It is the name of the tool being used. Masscan is a high-speed port scanner that can quickly scan large networks.

  2. "${0-0-0-0-0}": It represents the IP address or IP range to be scanned. In this case, it is set as "0-0-0-0-0," which is a placeholder for the target IP address. You would need to replace this placeholder with the actual IP address or CIDR range you want to scan.

  3. "--ports ${443}": It specifies the port number (443 in this case) to be scanned. Port 443 is commonly used for secure HTTPS traffic.

  4. "--rate ${10000000}": It sets the scanning rate or speed. In this command, it is set as "10000000" packets per second. You can adjust this value based on the network capacity and the target system's ability to handle the influx of packets. It's important to note that scanning at an extremely high rate can generate significant network traffic and potentially cause disruptions.

To effectively use this command, you should replace "${0-0-0-0-0}" with the target IP address or CIDR range you want to scan. You may also adjust the scanning rate to a suitable value for your specific scenario.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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