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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool masscan. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Masscan is a command line tool used for mass IP port scanning. It is designed as a high-speed scanning tool to quickly scan large networks. This tool is widely used by cybersecurity professionals and network administrators for security assessments and vulnerability scans. Masscan utilizes raw sockets for scanning and is able to deliver results in a matter of minutes, allowing for a rapid overview of a network's exposed ports. It is capable of scanning the entire IPv4 address space in a matter of hours. Masscan supports wide range of scanning techniques, including SYN, ACK, UDP, and ICMP scans. It also allows for customization of port ranges and scanning speeds. Due to its speed and efficiency, masscan is commonly used to discover open ports, detect vulnerable services, and identify potential attack vectors in network infrastructures. However, it is important to note that using masscan for scanning networks without proper authorization can be illegal and unethical.

List of commands for masscan:

  • masscan:tldr:64468 masscan: Scan an IP or network subnet for port 80.
    $ masscan ${select} --ports ${80}
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  • masscan:tldr:65103 masscan: Scan the Internet for port 443.
    $ masscan ${0-0-0-0-0} --ports ${443} --rate ${10000000}
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  • masscan:tldr:7884e masscan: Scan the Internet for a specific port range and export to a file.
    $ masscan ${0-0-0-0-0} --ports ${0-65535} -output-format ${select} --output-filename ${filename}
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  • masscan:tldr:82a92 masscan: Scan a class B subnet for the top 100 ports at 100,000 packets per second.
    $ masscan ${10-0-0-0-16} --top-ports ${100} --rate ${100000}
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  • masscan:tldr:c5c01 masscan: Scan a class B subnet avoiding ranges from a specific exclude file.
    $ masscan ${10-0-0-0-16} --top-ports ${100} --excludefile ${filename}
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tool overview