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mat2: List supported file formats.
$ mat2 --list
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The command "mat2 --list" is used to display a list of supported file formats and their associated metadata.

"mat2" is a metadata removal tool used for cleaning sensitive information from files while preserving their original content. It removes metadata like author names, locations, timestamps, etc., that may be embedded in files such as images, documents, or audio files.

By using the "--list" option with the "mat2" command, you are instructing the tool to provide a list of file formats that it supports for metadata removal. It will list the file formats along with their associated metadata that can be cleaned by the "mat2" tool. This can help you understand what types of files the tool is capable of processing and what information it can remove from each file format.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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