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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool mat2. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Mat2 is a command line tool used for metadata removal from various file formats. It focuses on removing metadata that can be privacy-invasive, such as EXIF, IPTC, XMP, and thumbnail data. Users can use mat2 to clean up the metadata of various file types, including images, documents, and audio files.

The tool is written in Python and is compatible with Linux, macOS, and Windows operating systems. Mat2 uses existing metadata removal tools, such as ExifTool, to ensure thorough metadata cleansing. It applies a layer of abstraction on top of these tools, simplifying the process for users who do not have prior knowledge or experience with them.

Mat2 ensures that the metadata removal process is irreversible, preventing any potential recovery of the removed information. It also supports batch processing, allowing users to clean multiple files simultaneously. Additionally, mat2 has the ability to scan and display the metadata of files, giving users insight into the metadata present in their files.

The tool is actively maintained and aims to be user-friendly, considering both ease of use and effectiveness in metadata removal. It is designed to be extensible, allowing users to create custom plugins for handling specific file types. Mat2 is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 3.

List of commands for mat2:

  • mat2:tldr:1d925 mat2: Remove metadata from a file and print detailed output to the console.
    $ mat2 --verbose ${filename}
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  • mat2:tldr:1f07e mat2: Show metadata in a file without removing it.
    $ mat2 --show ${filename}
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  • mat2:tldr:61f9b mat2: List supported file formats.
    $ mat2 --list
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  • mat2:tldr:967b2 mat2: Partially remove metadata from a file.
    $ mat2 --lightweight ${filename}
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  • mat2:tldr:adf4c mat2: Remove metadata from a file.
    $ mat2 ${filename}
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tool overview