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mc: Start `mc` in black and white.
$ mc -b
try on your machine

The command "mc -b" refers to the command-line utility mc with the -b flag (option) configured.

mc stands for Midnight Commander, which is a visual file manager typically used in terminal environments. It provides a two-panel interface for easy navigation and manipulation of files and directories.

The -b flag, in this case, is used to start Midnight Commander in a "background" mode. This means that the file manager will run in the background, enabling you to perform other tasks in the same terminal window while still having access to the Midnight Commander features.

Using the mc -b command, you can launch Midnight Commander, utilize its functionalities, and switch back to the command line interface without closing Midnight Commander.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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