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mcs: Specify the output program type.
$ mcs -target:${select} ${path-to-input_file1-cs path-to-input_file2-cs ---}
try on your machine

The command you provided is not a standard command but appears to be a combination of variables and paths specific to a certain system or programming environment. However, based on the provided information, I can explain the general structure and purpose of the command.

The command mcs is likely an abbreviation for "Mono Compiler System" or "Microsoft C# Compiler". It is commonly used in programming environments related to the C# programming language.

The -target flag is used to specify the target framework or output type for the compilation. In this case, the variable ${select} provides the value for the target flag.

${path-to-input_file1-cs} and ${path-to-input_file2-cs} are placeholders for the actual file paths of input files in the C# source code format. The path-to-input_file1-cs and path-to-input_file2-cs should be replaced with the specific paths to the C# source code files you want to compile.

The --- symbol at the end of the command is not a valid part of a command. It might have been included by mistake or it could be specific to the system or environment where this command is used.

To summarize, the command likely compiles one or more C# source code files (input_file1.cs, input_file2.cs, etc.) using the mcs compiler, and the target output type or framework is determined by the ${select} variable.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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