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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool mcs. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The "mcs" command line tool stands for "Mono C# Compiler". It is a compiler provided by Mono, an open-source implementation of the .NET Framework. The purpose of "mcs" is to compile C# source code files into executable programs or dynamic link libraries (DLLs) that can be run on the Mono runtime or other .NET environments. It supports C# language features up to version 5.0 and is compatible with both Windows and Linux operating systems. The tool can generate portable, optimized, and standalone output binaries. It also supports various compiler options and flags for customization. "Mcs" accepts input files in the form of C# source code files with a ".cs" extension. It is commonly used for developing cross-platform applications, as Mono enables C# programs to run on platforms other than Microsoft Windows. The "mcs" compiler is built on top of the Mono runtime platform, allowing developers to leverage its features and capabilities during the compilation process. Overall, the "mcs" command line tool is an essential component for compiling C# code using Mono, enabling developers to create cross-platform applications in the C# programming language.

List of commands for mcs:

  • mcs:tldr:16972 mcs: Specify the output program name.
    $ mcs -out:${filename-exe} ${path-to-input_file1-cs path-to-input_file2-cs ---}
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  • mcs:tldr:baf5a mcs: Specify the output program type.
    $ mcs -target:${select} ${path-to-input_file1-cs path-to-input_file2-cs ---}
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  • mcs:tldr:ef98e mcs: Compile the specified files.
    $ mcs ${path-to-input_file1-cs path-to-input_file2-cs ---}
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