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mcs: Compile the specified files.
$ mcs ${path-to-input_file1-cs path-to-input_file2-cs ---}
try on your machine

The given command is incomplete and does not follow the correct syntax. However, I can explain the general format and purpose of a similar command.

The "mcs" command is typically used on Unix-like systems with the Mono Compiler (mcs) to compile C# source code files (.cs) into executable files or libraries. This command is equivalent to the "csc" command used in Microsoft's .NET Framework.

The correct syntax for the "mcs" command is as follows:

mcs [options] [source-files] [references]

  • [options]: These are optional command-line arguments that modify the behavior of the compiler.
  • [source-files]: These are the C# source code files you want to compile. You specify the path to each source file, separated by spaces, like "path-to-input_file1.cs path-to-input_file2.cs".
  • [references]: These are optional assemblies or libraries that your source files depend on. You can specify the path to each reference file, separated by spaces.

So, the correct version of the command you provided should be something like:

mcs ${path-to-input_file1.cs} ${path-to-input_file2.cs}

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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