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mdbook: Watch a set of Markdown files and automatically build when a file is changed.
$ mdbook watch
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The command "mdbook watch" is used in the context of using the "mdBook" tool, which is a utility for creating and publishing books in Markdown format.

In this case, the "watch" argument is being passed to the "mdbook" command. This command tells mdBook to monitor the source files of the book for any changes and automatically update the output accordingly.

So, when you run "mdbook watch," the tool starts watching the source files of your book. Whenever you make any modifications or additions to the Markdown files, the tool will automatically rebuild the book and update the output. This is particularly helpful during the development process when you want to preview the changes as you write or edit the book.

In summary, the "mdbook watch" command is a convenience feature that enables you to dynamically update the generated book output based on any changes made to the source files.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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