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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool mdbook. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Mdbook is a popular command line tool used for creating and publishing books or documents in the form of HTML websites. It is primarily designed to write and generate digital books using Markdown syntax. With mdbook, authors can focus on their content while the tool takes care of converting it into a well-structured and visually appealing HTML format that can be easily shared online. Mdbook supports various features, including tables of contents, code highlighting, mathematical formulas, images, and more, all of which can be seamlessly integrated into the final output. The tool also provides a live preview feature, enabling authors to view their book in real-time as they make changes. Furthermore, mdbook supports plugins, allowing users to extend its functionality according to their requirements. It is open-source and written in Rust, making it highly efficient and reliable for book creation and publishing tasks.

List of commands for mdbook:

  • mdbook:tldr:03a01 mdbook: Watch a set of Markdown files and automatically build when a file is changed.
    $ mdbook watch
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  • mdbook:tldr:5ff64 mdbook: Clean the directory with the generated book.
    $ mdbook clean
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  • mdbook:tldr:babce mdbook: Serve a book at `http://localhost:3000`, auto build when file changes.
    $ mdbook serve
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  • mdbook:tldr:cc6cc mdbook: Create a mdbook project in the current directory.
    $ mdbook init
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