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mdbook: Serve a book at `http://localhost:3000`, auto build when file changes.
$ mdbook serve
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The command "mdbook serve" is used to serve an mdBook, which is a tool used to create and publish books or documentation written in Markdown format.

When you run the "mdbook serve" command, it starts a local web server that hosts your mdBook. It allows you to access and view your book in a web browser on your local machine.

Once the server is running, you can open your web browser and go to the specified URL (usually something like "http://localhost:3000") to view your mdBook and navigate through its chapters and content. Any changes you make to your book's Markdown files will be automatically updated and reflected in the browser, making it convenient for previewing and testing your book while you're editing it.

The "mdbook serve" command is commonly used during the development phase of creating an mdBook, providing an interactive preview and an easy way to iterate on the content.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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