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mdbook: Create a mdbook project in the current directory.
$ mdbook init
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The command mdbook init is used to create a new Markdown book project using the mdBook tool.

mdBook is a command-line tool that helps you create and publish documentation books in Markdown format. It generates a static website that can be hosted and accessed through a web browser.

When you execute the mdbook init command, it initializes a new mdBook project in the current directory. It creates the necessary file structure and configuration files for your book. The command will generate a few files and directories, including:

  • src/ directory: This is where you will put your Markdown files that make up the content of your book.
  • book.toml file: This is the configuration file for your book, where you can specify various settings such as the book's title, author, theme, and more.

After running mdbook init, you can start editing your book's content by adding Markdown files inside the src/ directory. Once you're done, you can use the mdbook build command to generate the static HTML website that represents your book. The resulting site can then be deployed and accessed by others.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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