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mh_metric: Print the code metrics for the specified Octave files.
$ mh_metric --octave ${filename1-m filename2-m ---}
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The command you provided mh_metric --octave ${filename1-m filename2-m ---} seems to be incomplete or incorrectly written as the --- is not a valid syntax.

However, it appears to be using the mh_metric tool with the --octave flag to perform some sort of analysis or measurement on one or more Octave/MATLAB files.

Here is a breakdown of the command:

  • mh_metric: This is the name of the command or tool that is being executed.
  • --octave: This flag indicates that the analysis should be performed using Octave/MATLAB syntax or file format.
  • ${filename1-m filename2-m ---}: This part of the command may be a placeholder or referencing actual file names (filename1-m and filename2-m) where the m extension suggests these are Octave/MATLAB files. It is unclear why there is a mix of - and ---, as --- is not a valid syntax.

To fully understand the purpose and functionality of this command, it would be helpful to have more information about the context or the specific documentation of the mh_metric tool.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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