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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool mh_metric. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The command line tool "mh_metric" is a powerful tool used for performing metric calculations on molecular structures. It is specifically designed to work with the MMFF94 force field, providing accurate and reliable results.

This tool allows for the calculation of various molecular properties including energies, bond lengths, bond angles, torsion angles, and dihedral angles. It can also calculate atomic charges and polarizabilities, which are vital for understanding molecular interactions.

Mh_metric uses a simple and intuitive command line interface, making it easy to use for both experienced researchers and beginners. The tool accepts various file formats, such as PDB, SDF, and MOL, ensuring compatibility with popular molecular structure formats.

It provides detailed output reports, displaying the calculated properties in a clear and organized manner, allowing users to easily interpret the results. Mh_metric also supports batch processing, enabling users to perform calculations on multiple molecular structures simultaneously.

The tool is highly efficient and optimized for performance, allowing for fast calculations even on complex molecular systems. It also offers the ability to customize settings, such as force field parameters and calculation precision, to meet specific requirements.

Mh_metric is widely used in the fields of computational chemistry and drug discovery, where accurate and reliable metrics are crucial for evaluating molecular properties and designing new compounds. Its versatility and accuracy make it a valuable tool for researchers and scientists working with molecular structures.

List of commands for mh_metric:

  • mh_metric:tldr:16ba8 mh_metric: Print the code metrics for the specified files.
    $ mh_metric ${filename1-m filename2-m ---}
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  • mh_metric:tldr:b5ebf mh_metric: Print the code metrics for the current directory.
    $ mh_metric
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  • mh_metric:tldr:b6683 mh_metric: Print the code metrics for the specified Octave files.
    $ mh_metric --octave ${filename1-m filename2-m ---}
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  • mh_metric:tldr:d1ea3 mh_metric: Print the code metrics report in HTML or JSON format.
    $ mh_metric --${select} ${path-to-output_file}
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