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mh_metric: Print the code metrics report in HTML or JSON format.
$ mh_metric --${select} ${path-to-output_file}
try on your machine

The command "mh_metric --${select} ${path-to-output_file}" is using the "mh_metric" command line tool with certain options and arguments.

Here's the breakdown of this command:

  • "mh_metric" is the name of the command line tool that is being invoked.
  • "--${select}" is an option or flag that is being passed to the "mh_metric" tool. The "${select}" part is likely a placeholder for a specific value or variable that needs to be replaced when executing the command. It could be something like "--metric" or "--type" followed by the specific metric or type you want to select for analysis.
  • "${path-to-output_file}" is an argument that specifies the path or location of the output file. This is typically where the result or analysis performed by the "mh_metric" tool will be stored or written.

So, by executing this command with the appropriate values or variables, you would be instructing the "mh_metric" tool to perform a specific analysis or calculation (based on the value of "${select}") and save the result to the provided output file location.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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