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mid3v2: List all supported ID3v2.3 or ID3v2.4 frames and their meanings.
$ id3v2 --list-frames ${filename1-mp3 filename2-mp3 ---}
try on your machine

The command you provided is using the "id3v2" program with the "--list-frames" option. This command is primarily used to list all the frames (metadata) contained within MP3 files.

Let's break down the command:

  • "id3v2": This is the name of the program being used. "id3v2" is a command-line tool for manipulating ID3 tags on MP3 files.

  • "--list-frames": This is an option/flag for the "id3v2" program. It instructs the program to display a list of all the frames (metadata) present in the specified MP3 files.

  • "${filename1-mp3 filename2-mp3 ---}": This part is a placeholder for the actual filenames of the MP3 files you want to examine. The use of "${filename1-mp3 filename2-mp3 ---}" suggests that multiple filenames can be provided, separated by spaces. Each filename should end with the ".mp3" extension.

To use this command, you should replace "${filename1-mp3 filename2-mp3 ---}" with the actual filenames of the MP3 files you want to analyze. For example, if you want to check the frames of two MP3 files named "song1.mp3" and "song2.mp3", the command would be:

id3v2 --list-frames song1.mp3 song2.mp3

This command will then display a list of frames (metadata) present in the given MP3 files, which may include information such as the song title, artist name, album, genre, etc.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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