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mid3v2: Set specific picture information.
$ id3v2 --picture=${filename:description:image_type:mime_type} ${filename1-mp3 filename2-mp3 ---}
try on your machine

The command you provided is using the "id3v2" tool to add picture metadata (also known as "ID3 tags") to one or more MP3 files. Here is a breakdown of the command:

  • id3v2: The name of the command-line tool used to manipulate ID3 tags in MP3 files.

  • --picture=${filename:description:image_type:mime_type}: This part represents the picture metadata that will be added. It consists of several variables:

    • ${filename}: The variable that should be replaced with the actual filename (or path) of the image file you want to attach/embed in the MP3(s).

    • description: A brief description or caption for the picture.

    • image_type: Specifies the picture type or purpose. It can be values like "Cover (front)", "Cover (back)", "Artist/Lead performer", etc.

    • mime_type: The MIME type of the image file, such as "image/jpeg" or "image/png".

  • ${filename1-mp3 filename2-mp3 ---}: This part represents one or more MP3 files to which the picture metadata will be added. Replace ${filename1-mp3} and ${filename2-mp3} with the actual filenames (or paths) of the MP3 files. You can add as many MP3 files as you want, separating them with spaces. The --- is a flag commonly used to indicate the end of parsing command-line options and the start of filenames.

In summary, this command allows you to specify an image file and its metadata, and then attach/embed that image and metadata into one or more MP3 files using the "id3v2" tool.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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