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middleman: Start local server for current project on port 4567.
$ middleman server
try on your machine

The command "middleman server" is used in the Middleman static site generator to start a local development server.

When you run this command, Middleman creates a web server on your local machine, allowing you to preview your site locally before deploying it. This is particularly useful during the development phase to see how your site looks and functions in a browser without having to upload it to a remote server.

The "middleman server" command starts the server and serves your Middleman site on a specified port (typically 4567 by default) on your localhost. Once the server is running, you can open your web browser and navigate to http://localhost:4567 (or the specified port) to see your site.

While the server is running, it will monitor the source files of your Middleman project for any changes. If you make any modifications to your site's code or content, the server will automatically rebuild the site and update the preview in the browser, allowing you to see the changes in real-time without having to manually refresh the page.

In summary, "middleman server" is a command that starts a local development server to help you preview and test your Middleman site during the development process.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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