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tool overview
On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool middleman. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Middleman is a powerful and flexible command line tool used for building static websites. It is built with Ruby and is primarily aimed at web developers.

  1. The tool acts as a static site generator and supports multiple templating languages like ERB, Haml, and Slim.
  2. Middleman offers a robust development server that allows developers to preview their website locally before deployment.
  3. It provides a live-reloading feature, which automatically refreshes the browser when there are changes in the source code.
  4. Middleman supports asset pipelines and can compile and preprocess assets like SASS, CoffeeScript, and more.
  5. The tool enables easy navigation management with its powerful routing system, allowing developers to create complex and dynamic page structures.
  6. It offers layout and partial support to easily reuse code across multiple pages.
  7. Middleman integrates well with front-end frameworks and libraries like Bootstrap, Foundation, and jQuery.
  8. It provides a wealth of extensions and plugins that extend its functionality, allowing developers to add features like SEO optimization, image processing, and sitemaps.
  9. Middleman supports internationalization, allowing developers to easily create multi-language websites.
  10. The generated static websites can be deployed to various hosting platforms or served directly from a web server.

List of commands for middleman:

  • middleman:tldr:3e3bf middleman: Start local server for current project on a specified port.
    $ middleman server -p "${port}"
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • middleman:tldr:5ede4 middleman: Create a new Middleman project.
    $ middleman init "${project_name}"
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • middleman:tldr:81456 middleman: Start local server for current project on port 4567.
    $ middleman server
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • middleman:tldr:c1a92 middleman: Deploy the Middleman project in the current directory.
    $ middleman deploy
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview