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mingle: Perform layout, bundling, and output to a picture with one command.
$ dot ${path-to-input-gv} | mingle | dot -T ${png} > ${path-to-output-png}
try on your machine

This command consists of three parts, each separated by the pipe "|" symbol.

  1. dot ${path-to-input-gv}: The command "dot" is a program that is used to process graphviz files, which are files containing graph representations. The "${path-to-input-gv}" represents the path to the input graphviz file. This command runs the "dot" program on the input file and generates the output in a standard format.

  2. mingle: "Mingle" is a program or script that performs some operations on the output generated by the previous command. The exact details of what "mingle" does are unknown without further information about your specific system or setup. It is a custom or user-defined program that manipulates the graph representation in some way.

  3. dot -T ${png} > ${path-to-output-png}: This command is similar to the first command, but it takes the processed output from the "mingle" command as input. The "-T ${png}" part specifies that the output format should be PNG, which is an image file format. The "> ${path-to-output-png}" redirects the output to a file specified by the "${path-to-output-png}" variable. This creates a PNG image file containing the final result of the graph processing operations.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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