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minicom: Open a given serial port.
$ sudo minicom --device ${-dev-ttyUSB0}
try on your machine

The command "sudo minicom --device ${-dev-ttyUSB0}" is used to run the "minicom" program with elevated privileges (using "sudo").

Explanation of each part:

  1. "sudo": It is a command in Unix-like operating systems (including Linux) that allows a user with proper permissions to run commands as a superuser or another user.

  2. "minicom": It is a communication program used for connecting to and controlling devices such as modems, routers, and serial consoles. It provides a terminal interface for interacting with these devices.

  3. "--device ${-dev-ttyUSB0}": This part is the option to specify the device that minicom should connect to. In this case, it is using the placeholder "${-dev-ttyUSB0}", which is likely a typo and should be changed to "$DEV/ttyUSB0" to specify the device "/dev/ttyUSB0".

    • "/dev/ttyUSB0": It represents the device file for a USB-to-Serial adapter. In this case, it assumes that the USB device is connected to the USB port 0 and assigned the "ttyUSB0" identifier. This could vary depending on the system and the number of USB-to-Serial devices connected.

To summarize, the command "sudo minicom --device ${-dev-ttyUSB0}" runs the "minicom" program with superuser privileges and connects to the device specified by "/dev/ttyUSB0" (assuming the correct modification is made to the device option).

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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