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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool minicom. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Minicom is a command line tool that serves as a terminal emulator for serial communication. It is mainly used for connecting a computer to other devices, such as routers, switches, and embedded systems, via a serial interface.

Using minicom, users can establish a connection with these devices to execute commands, configure settings, and monitor data transfer. It supports various serial communication protocols, such as RS-232 and TCP/IP.

Minicom provides an interactive interface where users can navigate menus, send/receive data to and from the connected device, and monitor system messages. It also offers features like file transfer capabilities and script recording/playback for automation.

Additionally, minicom supports user-defined macros, allowing users to create custom commands and shortcuts for ease of use. It provides options for configuring serial port settings, such as baud rate, parity, and flow control.

Being a command line tool, minicom offers a lightweight and efficient solution for serial communication tasks, making it particularly useful for system administrators, network engineers, and developers working with embedded systems.

List of commands for minicom:

  • minicom:tldr:63880 minicom: Open a given serial port with a given baud rate.
    $ sudo minicom --device ${-dev-ttyUSB0} --baudrate ${115200}
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  • minicom:tldr:d600a minicom: Open a given serial port.
    $ sudo minicom --device ${-dev-ttyUSB0}
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  • minicom:tldr:f3ea7 minicom: Enter the configuration menu before communicating with a given serial port.
    $ sudo minicom --device ${-dev-ttyUSB0} --setup
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tool overview