The command "minifab blockquery ${block_number}" is used in the context of the Mini-fabric (Minifab) tool.
Minifab is a development and testing tool for Hyperledger Fabric networks. It allows you to easily create, interact with, and manage Fabric networks for development and testing purposes.
The "blockquery" command is used to query a specific block in the Fabric network. It allows you to retrieve information about the transactions and other details stored within a particular block.
In the command, ${block_number} is a placeholder for the actual block number you want to query. You need to replace this placeholder with the block number you want to retrieve information about.
For example, if you want to query block number 10, you would run the command as: "minifab blockquery 10". This would retrieve details about the transactions and other information stored in block number 10 of the Fabric network.