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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool minifab. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Minifab is a command line tool that allows users to build, test, and deploy self-contained, reproducible Fabcar-style Hyperledger Fabric networks with minimal effort. It is designed to simplify the process of setting up various Fabric network configurations, making it easier to experiment and develop applications on the Fabric platform. Minifab uses Docker to create lightweight containers that mimic the components of a Fabric network, such as peers, orderers, and fabric-ca. It automates the process of generating cryptographic materials, provisioning/ordering services, and starting up the network, eliminating the need for manual configuration. It supports various network architectures like single-org, multi-org, and multi-channel, allowing users to easily switch between different configurations. Minifab includes many preconfigured samples that demonstrate different use cases and network setups, making it simple to get started with Fabric. It offers a range of helpful features like automatic chaincode installation and upgrade, network topology visualization, and the ability to interact with network components using CLI or SDKs. Its intuitive and user-friendly command line interface makes it easy to execute complex tasks without the need for in-depth knowledge of Fabric internals. Minifab supports different Fabric versions, allowing users to choose the specific version that best suits their requirements. It also provides comprehensive documentation and examples, making it even more accessible for beginners to learn and experiment with Hyperledger Fabric.

List of commands for minifab:

  • minifab:tldr:03836 minifab: Quickly run an application.
    $ minifab apprun -l ${app_programming_language}
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  • minifab:tldr:1de9d minifab: Bring up the default Hyperledger Fabric network.
    $ minifab up -i ${minifab_version}
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  • minifab:tldr:59451 minifab: Bring down the Hyperledger Fabric network.
    $ minifab down
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  • minifab:tldr:6744f minifab: Install chaincode onto a specified channel.
    $ minifab install -n ${chaincode_name}
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  • minifab:tldr:87e3f minifab: Invoke a chaincode method with the specified arguments.
    $ minifab invoke -n ${chaincode_name} -p '"${method_name}", "${arg0}", "${arg1}", ...'
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  • minifab:tldr:8b0e3 minifab: Install a specific chaincode version onto a channel.
    $ minifab install -n ${chaincode_name} -v ${chaincode_version}
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  • minifab:tldr:a5260 minifab: Make a query on the ledger.
    $ minifab blockquery ${block_number}
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  • minifab:tldr:dd5c6 minifab: Initialize the chaincode after installation/upgrade.
    $ minifab approve,commit,initialize,discover
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tool overview