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mix: Execute a particular file.
$ mix run ${my_script-exs}
try on your machine

The mix run command is used in the Elixir programming language to execute a given Elixir script.

In the command mix run ${my_script.exs}, ${my_script.exs} represents a placeholder for the name of the Elixir script file that you want to run. You should replace ${my_script.exs} with the actual name of your script file, including the .exs extension.

For example, if your script file is named hello.exs, the command would be mix run hello.exs.

The mix run command is typically executed in the root directory of an Elixir project that uses Mix, which is a build automation tool for Elixir. The command compiles and runs the specified script file, allowing you to interact with it or see its output in the terminal.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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