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mix: Compile project.
$ mix compile
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The command "mix compile" is a command used in Elixir programming language and its build tool called Mix.

When you run the "mix compile" command, it compiles all the Elixir source code files in your project. This includes converting the source code written in Elixir to bytecode that can be executed by Erlang Virtual Machine (BEAM). The compiled bytecode is stored in the "ebin" directory in your project.

Compiling the source code is an important step before running or packaging an Elixir application. It ensures that any syntax errors or other compile-time issues are detected and fixed before executing the code.

The "mix compile" command also checks if any dependencies are missing or out of date, and fetches and compiles them if needed. This ensures that all the libraries and dependencies used in your application are up to date and ready to be used.

Overall, the "mix compile" command is used to compile your Elixir source code and its dependencies, and make sure everything is ready for execution. It is typically run before running or deploying an Elixir application.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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