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mkdocs: Build the documentation in the current directory.
$ mkdocs build
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The command "mkdocs build" is used to build a static site from the documentation source files in a Markdown format using MkDocs.

MkDocs is a lightweight documentation generator that allows you to create beautiful and user-friendly documentation from plain text files. It uses Markdown as the primary format for writing documentation and provides a simple and intuitive interface for creating and maintaining documentation.

When you run the "mkdocs build" command, it will read the configuration file (usually named mkdocs.yml or mkdocs.yaml) in the project directory and process the Markdown files according to the specifications provided in the configuration file. It will convert the Markdown files into HTML pages and generate a static site structure.

The generated static site will include all the necessary CSS, JavaScript, and image files required to display the documentation correctly. This makes it easier to deploy the documentation on a web server or host it on a static file hosting service.

The "mkdocs build" command is typically used before deploying or publishing the documentation. Running this command ensures that the latest changes and updates in the Markdown files are converted into the final HTML format, ready for consumption by users.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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