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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool mkdocs. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


MkDocs is a command line tool used for creating static websites and documentation from markdown files. It is written in Python and is widely used in the software development community.

  1. With MkDocs, you can easily build and maintain your project documentation using simple markdown syntax.
  2. It provides a live preview of your changes, allowing you to see how your documentation will look in real-time.
  3. MkDocs allows you to customize the appearance and layout of your documentation by using themes and templates.
  4. It has built-in support for code syntax highlighting, making it perfect for documenting code snippets and examples.
  5. MkDocs also offers plugins and extensions to extend its functionality and add features such as search functionality, table of contents, and more.
  6. It uses a simple configuration file (mkdocs.yml) to define the structure and settings of your documentation project.
  7. MkDocs supports multiple input formats, including markdown and reStructuredText, making it flexible for different types of content.
  8. It is highly customizable, allowing you to change various settings like the site title, logo, navigation, and sidebar content.
  9. With MkDocs, you can easily deploy your documentation to various platforms, including GitHub Pages, Netlify, or your own server.
  10. The tool is actively maintained and has a large community of users, ensuring ongoing support and continuous improvement.

List of commands for mkdocs:

  • mkdocs:tldr:34803 mkdocs: Build the documentation in the current directory.
    $ mkdocs build
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • mkdocs:tldr:53d63 mkdocs: Serve the project in the current directory using the mkdocs dev-server.
    $ mkdocs serve
    try on your machine
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  • mkdocs:tldr:59a84 mkdocs: Deploy the documentation in the current directory to GitHub pages.
    $ mkdocs gh-deploy
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • mkdocs:tldr:94e16 mkdocs: Create a new mkdocs project.
    $ mkdocs new ${project_name}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
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