The command "mkdocs serve" is used to start a local web server that hosts and serves your MkDocs project.
MkDocs is a static site generator that converts plain text Markdown files into a website. It is commonly used to create documentation sites.
When you run "mkdocs serve" command, it starts a local development server on your computer. This server renders the Markdown files into HTML and serves them as a website on a specified port (usually 8000 by default).
Once the server is running, you can open a web browser and navigate to "http://localhost:8000" (or the specified port) to view and interact with your MkDocs site.
Any changes you make to the Markdown files or the configuration during development will be automatically detected by the server, and it will update the rendered site in real-time. This allows you to preview the changes in your browser without having to manually rebuild the entire site.
The server will continue to run until you stop it by pressing "Ctrl+C" in the terminal or command prompt window where you executed the "mkdocs serve" command.
Overall, the "mkdocs serve" command allows you to run a local server for development purposes and preview your MkDocs documentation site in real-time.