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mktorrent: Create a torrent with 2^21 KB as the piece size.
$ mktorrent -a ${tracker_announce_url} -l ${21} -o ${path-to-example-torrent} ${filename_or_directory}
try on your machine

The command mktorrent is a command-line utility used to create BitTorrent (.torrent) files. When executed, it generates a .torrent file that contains information about the file(s) to be shared and the tracker(s) that coordinate the sharing.

Let's break down the command and its options:

  • mktorrent: The command itself that initiates the creation of a .torrent file.

  • -a ${tracker_announce_url}: The -a option specifies the tracker announce URL. In a BitTorrent network, the tracker is responsible for keeping track of the peers participating in the sharing process. The ${tracker_announce_url} placeholder should be replaced with the actual URL of the tracker server.

  • -l ${21}: The -l option specifies the desired number of pieces the file should be divided into for sharing. In this case, ${21} is a placeholder for the desired number of pieces, and it should be replaced with the desired value (e.g., 100, 256, etc.). The number of pieces affects the granularity of the sharing and can influence the efficiency of the file transfer.

  • -o ${path-to-example-torrent}: The -o option specifies the output file name and path for the generated .torrent file. The ${path-to-example-torrent} placeholder should be replaced with the desired file name and path where you want to save the .torrent file.

  • ${filename_or_directory}: This is the placeholder for the file or directory that you want to create a .torrent file for. Replace it with the actual filename or directory path. The .torrent file will contain metadata about this file or directory, allowing others to download and share it through a BitTorrent client.

When the mktorrent command is properly configured with the desired options and arguments, executing it will create a .torrent file based on the provided information. This file can then be shared with others so they can download the specified file(s) using a BitTorrent client.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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