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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool mktorrent. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Mktorrent is a command line tool used for creating BitTorrent files, also known as .torrent files.

It is available in Unix-like operating systems and allows users to easily generate torrent files from existing content.

With mktorrent, users can specify various parameters such as the tracker URL, piece size, file list, and other optional settings during the torrent creation process.

This tool supports both single-file and multiple-file torrents, providing flexibility in creating torrents for different types of content.

Mktorrent can be used to create private torrents by setting a private flag, allowing users to control access to their content.

Additionally, it offers several other features such as setting the web seed URL, which allows users to use web servers as additional sources for downloading the content.

Mktorrent also supports creating read-only torrents that prevent modifications to the original content when downloaded.

The generated .torrent files can then be shared with others who can download the corresponding content using a BitTorrent client.

The tool is lightweight, fast, and efficient, making it a popular choice for users who want to create their own torrents quickly.

Overall, mktorrent is a powerful command line tool that simplifies the process of creating BitTorrent files, enabling users to share their content with others via the BitTorrent protocol.

List of commands for mktorrent:

  • mktorrent:tldr:3653d mktorrent: Create a torrent with 2^21 KB as the piece size.
    $ mktorrent -a ${tracker_announce_url} -l ${21} -o ${path-to-example-torrent} ${filename_or_directory}
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  • mktorrent:tldr:706f7 mktorrent: Create a torrent with web seed URLs.
    $ mktorrent -a ${tracker_announce_url} -w ${web_seed_url} -l ${21} -o ${path-to-example-torrent} ${filename_or_directory}
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  • mktorrent:tldr:86a47 mktorrent: Create a torrent with a comment.
    $ mktorrent -c "${comment}" -a ${tracker_announce_url} -l ${21} -o ${path-to-example-torrent} ${filename_or_directory}
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  • mktorrent:tldr:b70b1 mktorrent: Create a private torrent with a 2^21 KB piece size.
    $ mktorrent -p -a ${tracker_announce_url} -l ${21} -o ${path-to-example-torrent} ${filename_or_directory}
    try on your machine
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